Minneapolis March MUG Meeting

We hope you’ve had a great start to 2019! We’re excited to host our next Minneapolis User Group meeting on Thursday, March 7. Join us to learn best practices about programs, including; the benefits of using nested programs in Marketo, better reporting, audience control and more! After that, we will have our usual birds of a feather networking time, where we will break up into smaller groups so you have the opportunity to talk in detail about a current project you’re working on, questions you may have, or you can just sit back the learn from others!


  • 9:00am: Breakfast + Networking
  • 9:10am: Housekeeping + Announcements
  • 9:15am: Programs Within Programs Within Programs – presented by Aimee LeBree-Hohn, Leadous
    • What are the benefits of using nested Programs in Marketo? From basic Parent/Child setups to adding Programs within Engagement Streams, learn how to step up your Marketo game for better reporting, granular audience control, and increased content flexibility.
  • 10:00am: Birds of a Feather Breakouts + Networking

Meeting Details:

  • When: Thursday, March 7 from 9:00-11:00am CT
  • Where: Leadous Office, 4590 Scott Trail, Suite 100, Eagan, MN 55122
    • Complimentary parking available outside the building

RSVP Today

Speaker Section

Speaker Name
Title Goes Here, Company Name
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Speaker Name
Title Goes Here, Company Name
A short paragraph, 3-5 lines as a description for this speaker ... Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse mollis magna lorem, sit amet molestie est pellentesque in. Sed ut turpis erat. Phasellus facilisis imperdiet tristique. Morbi a magna ornare, vehicula nisl a, dapibus libero. Quisque justo est, lobortis non massa in, semper maximus purus.

Directions Section


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707 17th St #3600, Denver, CO 80202

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